
Travel Insurance

Travel insurance provides comprehensive coverage against things that are likely to spoil your trip. It covers your medical expenses and other risks so that you can enjoy your trip hassle-free. A travel insurance policy is a popular choice among people travelling on vacations, business trips, or for studies.

Buying a comprehensive trip insurance policy will secure you from any loss/damage incurred, which would create a financial burden otherwise. It will essentially secure you and provide coverage under the following circumstances:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Personal Accident
  • Medical Evacuation
  • Loss of Passport
  • Loss of Checked-in Baggage
  • Theft/Loss of Personal Belongings
  • Trip Cancellation & Curtailment
  • Trip Delays

While travelling abroad, you surely would want to come back home with a bucket of happy memories. Right from your first flight to the stay and the return journey, you can ensure a safe and hassle-free

While you are planning your next trip, ensure that you buy a comprehensive trip insurance policy, which will provide you with compensation in case of any unfortunate accident/mishap spoils your travel plans. Troubles on foreign soil do not sound exciting. Besides, when it comes to uncertainties there is surely no end to it. Right from any natural calamity, man-made calamity to any malevolent act, a traveller can witness any of it at any point of time. In case you encounter such risky situations, it can drain you financially, physically and emotionally unless you have a trip insurance policy.

A famous saying goes if you cannot afford travel insurance policy then you cannot afford travelling. This is apt as eventualities do not come knocking. While planning your next trip itinerary, buying insurance for your journey needs to be on the priority list.

Remember, insurance is an investment, and when you buy a travel policy online, you are investing for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

So, get, set and go. Compare & buy a travel insurance policy online sitting in your comfort zone and customize it based on your requirements.

When talking about the different types of insurance policies, one must not forget to learn more about travel insurance plans. Such policies ensure the financial safety of a traveller during a trip. Therefore, when compared to other insurance policies, travel insurance is a short-term cover.

Depending on the provider you choose, travel insurance may offer financial aid at various times, such as during loss of baggage, trip cancellation and much more. Here is a look at some of the different types of travel insurance plans available in the country:

  • Domestic Travel Insurance - This is the kind of travel insurance policy that safeguards your finances during travels within India. However, if you plan to step outside the country for a vacation, such a policy would not offer any aid.
  • International Travel Insurance - If you are stepping out of the country, ensure you pick an international travel insurance plan. It allows you to cover the unforeseen expenses that can arise during your trip like medical emergencies, baggage loss, loss of passport, etc.
  • Home Holiday Insurance - When you are travelling with family, your home remains unguarded and unprotected. Chances of burglary are always significant, which may lead to significant losses. Thankfully, with home holiday insurance plans, which are often included within travel policies, you are financially protected from such events as well.

Benefits of Travel Insurance

The following aspects are covered under travel insurance plans:

  • Cover Flight Delay - Flight delays or cancellations can lead to significant losses for the passenger. If you buy travel insurance, you can claim such financial losses from the insurer.
  • Baggage Loss/Delay - Travel insurance lets you claim monetary assistance if there is a delay or you happen to lose your luggage during the trip. With this amount, you can purchase some of the necessary items.
  • Reclaim Lost Travel Documents - Visa and passport are essential documents during an international trip. Opting for international travel insurance ensures that you have the necessary financial backing to reapply for interim or replacement documents as and when necessary.
  • Trip Cancellation Cover - A sudden death in the family or a medical emergency may play spoilsport with your travel arrangements. Thankfully, international travel insurance plans support trip cancellations in such events. You can claim financial assistance to pay penalties and cancellation charges for flights, hotels, etc.

Make sure that you choose an insurer carefully, especially a company that is reliable and available 24x7 to assist you.

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